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Program Studi

Teknik Komputer

Prospek Program Studi

  • Era revolusi industri 4.0 memberikan tantangan sekaligus peluang. Interkonektivitas, sistem cerdas, dan otomasi dalam proses produksi adalah ciri utamanya. Banyak perusahaan ataupun industri menggunakan rekayasa perangkat keras dan lunak sehingga banyak yang kini menawarkan aplikasi yang mudah digunakan oleh penggunanya melalui smartphone.

  • Start-up digital pun banyak bermunculan sehingga kebutuhan pekerja digital yang mampu mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis teknologi Internet dan mobile, seperti Internet of Things (IoT), semakin banyak

  • Seorang sarjana Teknik Komputer memiliki pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam merancang dan mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis teknologi Internet dan mobile.

Program Studi Lain
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Yang Membedakan Dengan Kampus Lain

  • Sertifikasi internasional dari CISCO membuat lulusan Teknik Komputer cepat direkrut perusahaan top

  • Dosen update dari kampus top dan punya pengalaman praktis, yang membuat proses belajar menjadi lebih

  • Komunitas belajar top yang dipimpin mahasiswa Leader Google DSC

Kurikulum Teknik Komputer

Semester 1

Introduction to Information Technology 1 (3 SKS) Introduction to Information Technology 1 Lab (1 SKS) Algorithms and Data Structures (3 SKS) Algorithms and Data Structures Lab (1 SKS) Religion Education (2 SKS) English 1 (2 SKS) Core Skills & Characters (2 SKS) Calculus I (3 SKS) Basic Science I (2 SKS) Indonesian Language (2 SKS) General Computer Skills and Communication Skills - Total 21 SKS

Semester 2

Introduction to Information Technology II (3 SKS) Introduction to Information Technology II Lab (1 SKS) Electronic Circuits (3 SKS) Electronic Circuits Lab (1 SKS) Computer Architectures and Organizations (2 SKS) English II (2 SKS) Basic of Web Programming (2 SKS) Calculus II (3 SKS) Basic Science II (2 SKS) Total 21 SKS

Semester 3

Telecommunication System I (3 SKS) Telecommunication System II Lab (1 SKS) Operating Systems (3 SKS) Operating Systems Lab (1 SKS) Signals and Systems (4 SKS) Elements of Software Construction I (3 SKS) Elements of Software Construction I Lab (1 SKS) Statistic and Probability Applications (2 SKS) Statistic and Probability Applications Lab (1 SKS) Total 19 SKS

Semester 4

Telecommunication System II (3 SKS) Control System and Otomation (3 SKS) Control System and Otomation Lab (1 SKS) Elements of Software Construction II (3 SKS) Elements of Software Construction II Lab (1 SKS) Digital System (3 SKS) Digital System Lab (1 SKS) Modern Web Programming (3 SKS) Modern Web Programming Lab (1 SKS) Career Planning - Total 19 SKS

Semester 5

Multimedia Communication Systems (2 SKS) Telecommunication Electronics (2 SKS) Information System Security Technology (3 SKS) Information System Security Technology Lab (1 SKS) Microprocessor and Embedded Systems (3 SKS) Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Lab (1 SKS) Internet and Computer Networks (3 SKS) Internet and Computer Networks Lab (1 SKS) Language and Logic (2 SKS) Introduction to Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning (2 SKS) CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction to Network - Leadership and Enterpreneurship - Total 20 SKS

Semester 6

Digital Signal Processing (3 SKS) Digital Signal Processing Lab (1 SKS) Optical Communication Systems (3 SKS) Distributed Systems (3 SKS) Distributed Systems Lab (1 SKS) Mobile Application Development (2 SKS) Mobile Application Development Lab (2 SKS) Elective (3 SKS) Java Mobile - Career Roadmap - Total 18 SKS

Semester 7

Internship (2 SKS) Research Metodology (2 SKS) Scientific Writing and IT Seminar (2 SKS) Network Management (2 SKS) Cellular Network Planning (2 SKS) Cellular Network Planning Lab (1 SKS) Elective (3 SKS) Technopreneurship (2 SKS) Tutorial Technopreneurship - CCNA Routing and Switching: Routing Switching Essentials - Total 16 SKS

Semester 8

Final Project (4 SKS) Ethics and Professionalism of ICT (2 SKS) IT Business (2 SKS) Elective (2 SKS) Pancasila & Civics Education (3 SKS) Total 13 SKS

Tim Dosen Teknik Komputer


Dr. Herry Sitepu, M.T.

Ketua Program Studi Teknik Komputer

Doktor bidang Teknik Komputer dari Institut Teknologi Bandung


Maclaurin Hutagalung, Ph.D

Doktor dalam bidang Applied Mathematics dari Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang.


Master dalam bidang Control dari Twente University, Belanda.

Yoyok Yusman Gamaliel .png

Yoyok Gamaliel, M.Eng.

Magister Informatika dari ITB

Prestasi Program Studi Teknik Komputer


Mahasiswa &


Kevin Owen, angkatan 2017, terpilih menjadi Leader Google DSC

6-8 September 2019

Kevin terpilih untuk menghadiri South East Asia DSC Summit 2019 di Kuala Lumpur pada tanggal 6-8 September 2019


Juara 1 Nasional INVENTION 2018
@Udayana, Bali

19 Mei 2018

Jason, Felicia dan Evan meraih Juara 1 Nasional Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah INVENTION 2018 di Universitas Udayana, Bali dengan karya "JEFBot: Chatbot Antihoax berbasiskan Web Scraping."


Juara 2 Nasional IMPULSE IoT 2017 @ ITB, Bandung

Tim Teknik Komputer ITHB berhasil meraih Juara 2 Nasional IMPULSE IoT 2017 di ITB, Bandung


Juara 2 Nasional INVENTION 2018

@Udayana , Bali


19 Mei 2018

Yulius, Gevyo, dan Khatlyn meraih Juara 2 Nasional Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah INVENTION 2018 di Universitas Udayana, Bali dengan karya "Plastico: Tempat Sampah Plastik Pintar."

Formulir Pendaftaran Online

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